Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Getting Back On Track !

      Hey everybody , I know I haven't updated since March 26th I think . The picture above has nothing to do with today's topic I just wanted to throw that in lmao . But first things first , March 27th and 28th I did not exercise at all . I thought I would deem them as cheat days but that didn't go according to plan . March 29th I decided to get things back on track . Besides my usual 40 minute dance workout I added a few more workouts so that instead of 40 minutes day . I'll be doing at least 60 minutes or more . I am revamping my regiments so that I can seek results faster and so that I can stay committed .
        Today , I did my usual Just Dance Workout . I usually play online against others first so that in order for me to win first place I go hard and actually make effort to move my body . After 2 songs played online , I go into Just Sweat Mode . So that I can calculate the calories I have burned through my workout . I dance through a total of 8 songs which takes up 40 minutes . After Just Dance , I went on youtube to look at correct ways of doing squats , bicycles , leg raises , squat thrusts , crunches , sit ups , and starfish crunches .

  • 10 Starfish Crunches
  • 10 Squats
  • 15 Leg Raises
  • 5 Bicycles
  • 5 Crunches
     I decided that before my dance workout I will do these before to warm up . Once I start getting comfortable with them I will increase the amounts I do . I also have been eating an apple a day whether I slice em up and eat with peanut butter or just regular . I've been drinking more water and apple juice . I also have been getting full off if yogurt . I'm not sure if that's good or bad thing but it  has been happening lately . I will try and look that up . My next goal is to set up a time for me to do my daily workout . I'm not sure how I'm going to do it but I will figure it out . I am also looking to go to the gym twice a week . If anyone is interested on joining me that will  be no problem . Thinking about renewing my membership to Planet Fitness or just joining LA Fitness not too sure .
But if you are interested in going or sharing ideas or recipes don't hesitate to contact me ( ) Keep on pushing and GOOD LUCK !!

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