Tuesday, March 25, 2014


As some of you may know me and some may not I would like to introduce myself , I am Shanae and I am a 22 year old mother of one . I came up with the idea of making a blog because people ask me all the time what am I doing to lose weight and how to do it . No I am not a personal trainer and nor am I  any type of fitness guru . I'm just like everybody else dieting , exercising , losing weight , and seeking results . During my 22 years of life I have never been nothing bigger than a size 7 . Now today I wear a size 17 or 18 depending on the pants . The left picture is when I was 20 before I was pregnant and had my son . The picture on the right is after I had my son .

I never had to lose weight because I had to and now I realize the frustration of maintaining a healthy diet . I would love to get back the person I was before I had my son . I'm not losing weight for the sake of looking for someone else but for the sake of me looking good for myself . Starting today I will be posting daily my weight , what I eat , and daily activities . I will also be posting the types of things I buy related to my diet and exercise .

Anything you would like to know that I may have not shared with you just let me know . Comment on below , email me ( shanaelashawn@gmail.com)  I am definitely available for advice , stories , support , and motivation . The more people that get involved the better ! I am excited to do this and hopefully I will be able inspire someone else to accomplish their goal just like me . Welp , good luck ! :)

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